Recent case law emphasizes that non-compliance (criminal activities including potentially economic offences) on a leasehold (erfpacht) plot can constitute a violation of the obligations under the Dutch leasehold

Continue Reading Dutch Real Estate: Beware of Potential Leasehold Terminations as a Result of Offences

According to recent studies, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is a key value driver of real estate investments.

Both investors and lenders are increasing their focus on ESG, not

Continue Reading ESG Opportunities for Distressed Real Estate

For the Netherlands, the obligation of trustees to register their trusts and trust-like legal arrangements as well as the UBO information thereof takes effect starting 1 November 2022


Continue Reading Dutch Trust UBO Register Operational Starting 1 November 2022

For companies subject to U.S. economic sanctions regimes, compliance is complicated by Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 (EU Blocking Regulation), which was updated in 2018 in light of the U.S. position
Continue Reading Conflicting EU, US Economic Sanctions Regimes: Implications for Multinational Companies

In March 2021, the Council of the European Union adopted Directive 2021/514 amending – for the sixth time – Council Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation
Continue Reading EU’s DAC7: New Tax Reporting Obligations for Platform Operators