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Photo of Thomas van der Vliet

Thomas van der Vliet is an attorney-at-law focused on Dutch and international tax advice and litigation for domestic and cross-border M&A projects and corporate restructurings. Thomas has wide-rangiong experience in EU tax law and the application of tax treaties. Additionally, he advises various types of funds, including investment and private equity funds, on their Dutch and international tax positions. Thomas currently serves as Chair of the firm’s Amsterdam office and Co-Chair of its Global Tax Practice.


  • International tax advice, with focus on transatlantic structures
  • Transactional services (due diligence, M&A structuring, post-acquisition reorganizations)
  • Litigation in both tax and civil courts
  • Transfer pricing
  • Tax compliance

New partnership rules set to take effect in 2025 may subject regulated funds using tax-transparent Dutch Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) structures to Dutch corporate income tax (CIT) and dividend withholding tax

Continue Reading Tax Implications of New Dutch Partnership Rules: Your CV May Become Taxable

As of 1 January 2023, a set of tax changes will be implemented that may affect one’s Dutch tax position. In addition, changes starting in 2024 have also been announced.

Continue Reading RE-STRUC: Tax Changes as of 2023

In March 2021, the Council of the European Union adopted Directive 2021/514 amending – for the sixth time – Council Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation
Continue Reading EU’s DAC7: New Tax Reporting Obligations for Platform Operators

On 16 November 2020, the Dutch government published a protocol to amend the “Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Poland for the elimination of double
Continue Reading Polish-Dutch Protocol to Revise Income Tax Convention