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Photo of Monisha Sardjoe

Monisha Sardjoe focuses her practice on corporate law, financial law and commercial contracting as well as corporate and commercial litigation. She advises on corporate and commercial aspects in (international) transactions and has experience with financial regulatory law issues.

Monisha holds an LL.M. degree in financial law and civil law with extracurricular subjects in the fields of corporate law and intellectual property law at Leiden University. During her studies, she gained years of experience as a clerk at the Court of Appeal of The Hague and as an intern at several law firms in the Netherlands. Monisha is a member of the Dutch Bar Association and a member of the Dutch association of young litigation lawyers and the Corporate Litigation Association.

For the Netherlands, the obligation of trustees to register their trusts and trust-like legal arrangements as well as the UBO information thereof takes effect starting 1 November 2022


Continue Reading Dutch Trust UBO Register Operational Starting 1 November 2022

(Read in English below.)


Op 21 april 2020 heeft de Eerste Kamer het wetsvoorstel voor de Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie en Veiligheid (de Spoedwet) aangenomen. De verwachting is
Continue Reading Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie en Veiligheid: tijdelijke introductie van digitale zittingen/Temporary Dutch COVID-19 Justice and Security Act: Temporary Introduction of Digital Court Hearings (in Dutch and English)


On 1 January 2020, the Dutch Act on the Resolution of Mass Claims in Collective Action (Wet afwikkeling massaschade in collectieve actie) (Dutch acronym: WAMCA) will enter into effect, introducing the possibility of claiming damages on a collective basis under an opt-out regime for Dutch residents and an opt-in regime for parties residing abroad.
Continue Reading New Dutch Act on Collective Damages in Class Actions Effective 1 January 2020


A consumer who has purchased a nonconforming (defective) product must report the lack of conformity to the seller within two months of discovery of the deficiency. See Article 7:23,
Continue Reading Consumer Duty to Report a Lack of Conformity (Product Defect) Further Explained by Supreme Court in the Netherlands


Beginning January 2023, energy labels of the major part of office buildings in the Netherlands will have to be at least in category C, because of an amendment to
Continue Reading Energy Label C Obligation for All Office Buildings in the Netherlands in 2023 (With Few Exceptions)


The rules governing seizure of a cross-border bank account in the EU follow from the EU Regulation establishing a European Account Preservation Order (EAPO). Such Regulation was created to
Continue Reading The European Account Preservation Order: A Method for Debt Recovery Throughout the EU