case that originated in Finland concerned liability for a defective product and the concept of “producer” under EU trademark law. A coffee machine caught fire. The machine contained trademarks

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Success comes with a price. As of July 1, 2022, influencers with more than 500,000 followers (“Major Influencers”) will be under Dutch Media Authority (Commissariaat van de Media)
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Radboud Ribbert from Greenberg Traurig LLP’s Amsterdam office was recently quoted in a Law360 Intellectual Property article. The article focuses on a recent amendment to the Dutch Patents Act
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Article 53 (3) Dutch Patents Act

As of Feb. 1, 2019, the Dutch Patents Act 1995 (DPA) was amended to include a limitation of the exclusive right of the holder
Continue Reading Amendment to Dutch Patents Act (Rijksoctrooiwet) Allows for Extemporaneous Preparation of Medicine in Certain Circumstances