Cameratoezicht wordt veelvuldig toegepast op de openbare weg, bijvoorbeeld bij zero emissie zones, milieuzones en via Intelligent Acces. Intelligent Acces richt zich op het op een slimme manier toegang verlenen
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LIBOR Transition Newsletter – Issue 6
Welcome to Greenberg Traurig’s LIBOR Transition Newsletter, where we provide updates, analysis, and occasional commentary on the latest developments relating to the highly anticipated phasing-out of LIBOR at the end…
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German and Dutch National Agendas Indicate Further Focus on and Investments in Hydrogen
On 10 June 2020, the German government published its long-awaited national hydrogen agenda. Earlier, the Dutch government also published its own hydrogen agenda and the policy overlap is clear: as …
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Dutch Court Decisions on Contractual Obligations During the COVID-19 Pandemic in an M&A Context
On 29 April 2020 the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) handed down a decision regarding a contractual break-up fee in an M&A transaction affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. …
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Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie en Veiligheid: tijdelijke introductie van digitale zittingen/Temporary Dutch COVID-19 Justice and Security Act: Temporary Introduction of Digital Court Hearings (in Dutch and English)
(Read in English below.)
Op 21 april 2020 heeft de Eerste Kamer het wetsvoorstel voor de Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie en Veiligheid (de Spoedwet) aangenomen. De verwachting is…
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Aanpassing van contracten in het licht van de coronacrisis
Als gevolg van de coronacrisis moeten veel bedrijven noodgedwongen hun deuren (letterlijk of figuurlijk) sluiten. Daarmee neemt ook de vraag naar producten en diensten af of komt juist de aanvoer in het gedrang. Veel bedrijven zien zich geconfronteerd met commerciële contracten waarvan zij de verplichtingen tot afname of levering niet meer kunnen of willen nakomen, of waarbij nakoming door gestegen kosten of gebrek aan afnemers onredelijke negatieve gevolgen zou hebben. De wet kent een regeling die in dergelijke gevallen uitkomst kan bieden: de onvoorziene omstandigheden.
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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – Dutch Government Issues Emergency Measures for Employers and Entrepreneurs
On 17 March 2020, the Dutch government announced that exceptional economic measures must be taken in relation to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) crisis. Part of the measures entail the withdrawal…
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Obligation to Operate: Retail Contracts in the Netherlands
The rapidly changing retail market has not yet created a new reality. The preference for online shopping and the increasing costs of wages and production continue to threaten the margins of retailers and, indirectly, rent prices. As a result, rent for retail space has been dropping for six consecutive years. Due to the increased costs of wages and production, more bankruptcies may follow the ones we have seen already in the Netherlands, and more retailers may decide to stop operating their shops to minimize losses.
In this blog post, we will focus on the obligation to operate retail space and recent verdicts relating to interoperating retail space contracts.
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New Dutch Act on Collective Damages in Class Actions Effective 1 January 2020
On 1 January 2020, the Dutch Act on the Resolution of Mass Claims in Collective Action (Wet afwikkeling massaschade in collectieve actie) (Dutch acronym: WAMCA) will enter into effect, introducing the possibility of claiming damages on a collective basis under an opt-out regime for Dutch residents and an opt-in regime for parties residing abroad.
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LIBOR Transition Newsletter – Issue 2
Welcome to the second issue of Greenberg Traurig’s LIBOR Transition Newsletter, which contains updates, analysis, and commentary on the latest developments relating to the highly anticipated phasing-out of LIBOR at…
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