FIDIC contracts are widely used in the international Real Estate Projects industry. Much like their national Dutch counterpart, the UAV/UAV-GC contracts, FIDIC contracts consist of General Conditions and Special Conditions

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In life (as in business), as Heraclitus said, “the only constant is change.” In today’s fast-paced economy, this axiom should be kept in mind during contract negotiations, especially in a

Continue Reading The Only Constant Is Change: Use of ‘Anticipatory Contracting’ in Real Estate Restructuring Deals

World-famous DJ Martijn Garritsen (known to the wider public as Martin Garrix) has been at odds with Spinnin’ Records since 2015, when he announced he would be leaving the label.
Continue Reading Supreme Court (partially) overturns Court of Appeal’s ruling in re Spinnin’ Records v. Martin Garrix

Legal scholars have been debating the method by which contractual provisions should be interpreted in the Netherlands since 1981, when the Dutch Supreme Court rendered its landmark Haviltex decision on
Continue Reading Exit Provisions in Joint Venture & Shareholder Agreements: Lessons (to be) Learned – Looking Across the Ocean